How to Straighten Leather Bag ? Easy 4-Step Process

Frank Clegg Leatherworks has been making an array of accessories, bags and one-off ideas since 1970, when Clegg launched his own eponymous brand. It’s slowly expanded since then but remains in the original factory, a historic mill in Massachusetts. Portland Leather Goods in, well, Portland is one of the bigger brands on this list but don’t count that against them. They’ve scaled into several categories and have retained a fair pricing system. There’s even a seconds sale section called Almost Perfect, where items are basically new but almost half off. For the guy who enjoys a wabi-sabi-denimhead lifestyle, Pigeon Tree Crafting should be a brand to note. The majority of Leather Works Minnesota’s leather comes from Red Wing’s S.B. Foot Tanning Co.

Feel free to read more on the effects of acetone on leather. Avoid products that contain harmful chemicals, as they may permanently damage or discolor your leather bag. Ensure to carefully read the product descriptions and list of ingredients, whenever available. Apart from cleaning the leather exterior of your bag, you can additionally use a leather deodorizer. This not only removes unpleasant smells from leather but also gives it a fresh and clean smell.

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If you still aren’t able to remove bad odors from your leather bag, we recommend sending it to the manufacturer or to a cleaning company that deals with leather articles. We recommend starting with cleaning the exterior leather and the interior lining of your leather bag. If the unpleasant smells persist after that, then it’s best to pick an additional method that makes the most sense. This could take anywhere between 6 to 24 hours, depending on the type of odor and where it’s coming from. If you’re tight on time, it’s best to use a leather deodorizer or a desiccant, as you’ll be able to use them while carrying your leather bag.

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Avoid washing leather items that have delicate seams or lots of detailing, unless you’re comfortable risking damage to these features. Hand cleaning is great for spot treating scuff marks and dirt, but it’s also an effective way of deep cleaning leather.

Agitate the solution with your hand or a whisk to distribute the soap and create bubbles.For even better leather protection, use a soap specially formulated for cleaning leather. These kinds of soaps are available at many general retailers, hardware stores, and craft stores. Don’t stuff your leather bags with newspaper, which can smear.

Similar to charcoal odor removers, you can also use desiccants such as Silica Gels for odor removal. Silica gels with the proper sealing can be placed inside bags to remove excess moisture or musty odors. Set aside the plastic bag for about 12 to 24 hours, as this allows the baking soda to absorb all foul odors. Check after about 12 hours to see if the odor still lingers and if it does, leave it in for another 12 hours.